

Cake Walk Game

I'm so excited to be here!  Woohoo!  Welcome to Freebielicious!  Get comfy (and warm up your printers) as you take a look around.

I made up a game to help review and reinforce skills you're working on in your classroom.  My kids played it today and had a great time!  It was super fun and worked really well.  This packet has the directions and everything you need -- and it only takes a few minutes to prep.  I'm only showing number one here, but you'll get the rest of the numbers over at google docs.  :)

Click on the pics to download directly from Google Docs.

If you haven't become a follower of Freebielicious, be sure to do so!

And come on over to my blog to see how I used this game in my classroom today.  :)

A Teeny Tiny Teacher


  1. Love it! We might have to give it a go tomorrow. Thanks!

  2. I loved reading the post from your blog today!

  3. Cute. We've done a similar game with the alphabet. Hadn't thought of numbers. Thanks

  4. This is such a fabulous idea to do on any day just to get up and moving! I love how you used it! Thank you for sharing!!

  5. LOVE that this can be used for absolutely ANYTHING! Also any game that they can move around is a good thing. Thanks for sharing!

  6. L-o-v-e this idea...thanks for sharing. I wanted to stop by and say hello. I am new to blogging and I'm a new follower of yours! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. The blogging world seems like a a happy and supportive place to be so I'm excited to be joining you all.

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade

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