
End of Year Celebration Invitations

Hi Freebielicious friends!

Are you about D-O-N-E with this school year? Gosh, I am! I love my kids and enjoy seeing the growth they have made this year (it's almost unbelievable), but I am cooked! Put a fork in me - I am D-O-N-E. I've been really inspired by the beach lately -- my dream is to one day go to Hawaii (a mom of 6 can dream, right?)......I know many of you do a beach-themed end of year party, so I cranked these out.

They are also programmable if you have powerpoint. I hope you enjoy!

Click Here to grab a set!
If you like them, please make sure you bop on over to my blog! :)


  1. These are SO great Jeannie!!! :) Thank you!!

    Kristin @

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