

Beginning of the Year: Glue Practice

Last year my students had a blast practicing how to use glue! We sang our glue song to the tune of 'If You're Happy and You Know It', "Just a little bit of glue holds a lot (snap, snap). Just a little bit of glue holds a lot (snap, snap). Just a little bit of glue, just a tiny little dot. Just a little bit of glue holds a lot (snap, snap)!"
They did such a good job! I was so proud of them! I told them that if they made small dots, then I would sprinkle some glitter on their monsters at the end :) I think this was their favorite part! They couldn't wait to take the monsters home! 
Click below to grab your freebie :)


  1. I clicked on the picture to check out the freebie but it took me to another page. I went all the way to the bottom of the page but could not find it. Did you remove it? IF so would you consider posting again. I love this and would like to have it for camp next week.

  2. I clicked on picture and it took me to a staple giveaway. Please fix it! I love this glue practice!!

  3. SO sorry! I forgot to link it!! Click on the glue practice activity sheet image and it will take you there!! Thanks for your patience! :)


  4. Clearly not all of the most creative people in the world work for Apple! As a new teacher, I am in awe of the creativity and talent so many teachers have! Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. I love this! I'm actually going to use it with my four year old this week! Thank you for sharing!

    Primarily Speaking

  6. I love this! We used glue sticks last year but I really want to try glue bottles with my next group of kiddos :)

  7. I love using liquid glue. Once the kids learn to control the bottle they use a lot less glue. The song is really cute, too!

  8. Let me JUST say..I LOVE THIS IDEA!! after my Kinder Kiddos plow through glue sticks and all we are let with is liquid glue (I work at a school with budget issues)this is fantastic! No more glue rivers or lakes (that what we called them) to clean up! Thanks

  9. This is one of those...why didn't I think of this projects? Thanks for sharing! Teaching with Giggles

  10. This will be great for my first graders! Thanks!

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