
Brown Bear Centers

Hey Friends! It Kaci from Mrs. Hoffer’s Spot!
I thought  I would drop by to show you the centers that my kiddos did this week. We are already into centers, and this past week, I have had two of my four bucket tubs up and running. Along with pattern blocks, writing center (crayons and paper), library and unifix cubes.

bb center
Because our state pulled out of the common core, we now have patterns in our standards. That is the first math topic we teach, so this center my kiddos were practicing AB patterns.

bb c
Then we are working on beginning sounds of “Ll Oo Gg Hh” at this center. The kids draw a card and and write the beginning sound. Looking at this picture now, it looks like my friend wrote the beginning sound to “fish” not “log” oops!

I would love for you to jump over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store to download these guys! 
While you are there, I would love it if you followed me so you can catch more freebies I upload!!

I almost forgot….

Have a Happy First Day of College Football!

First Day Freebies

Hey everyone!  It's Teeny!

Have you had your first day of school yet?  Mine was two and a half weeks ago (which is crazy!)!  But I know there are a ton of people who don't start until after Labor Day.

If that's you, and you're looking for a little something extra to add to your day, come on over to my blog for a couple of freebies!  :)

FREE Parent Letter for Change of Clothing

Some of our little learners do not make it to the restroom on time. I like to send a parent letter home to request a change of clothing that will stay in the classroom. You never know when it might be needed! The beginning of the school year is especially hard for the little ones.

Come on by to download your FREE letter in English and Spanish.

Calendar Freebies

School for us in Ontario starts in one week.   Where did the summer go?  

I'm getting my calendars book ready for the first day.  Are yours ready yet?  To grab these for free, head on over to my blog.

Open House or Meet the Teacher Letter Freebie

Do you send out letters to your students over the summer? I always used to, but have started just giving it out at Open House since we started having that before school starts.  I still haven't decided how I'll be getting these gifts to my new students yet, but, one way or another, they are getting them.  Now, you can send them, too, because I FINALLY updated my Back to School Letter Packet with the new updated version as seen below.  Also included in the packet are several different versions of Jitter Glitter letters, a First Day poem for parents (must include tissues if you use this one!),  as well as two different choices for the "growing" gift you can give your students (for preK, K and 1st!).

Letter Cc Freebie

 Hi guys! This is

I just finished my first full week of Kindergarten!
We did some amazing work and had so much fun with the letter Cc!
Please come check out all the learning and 
grab this super FREE simple sheet.
 We used it to color Cs and using elbow pasta to glue down Cs facing the RIGHT WAY!
You could use it for handwriting if you wanted as well. 
When do you go back to school?

Daily Data Math Meeting

Hello!  It's Reagan from Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits!

This summer, I worked on a way to get a little more math into my check in time.  I also came up with a way to help my students master odd and even in an easy and fun way!
Come on over to my blog to see what we will do with these items and grab your own odd and even numbers too!  Just click the button to check it out!

Open House/Meet the Teacher Night

I cannot believe it's that time of year again!  The summer has gone by soooooo fast.  Monday is our Open House/Meet the Teacher Night and I wanted to share some freebies with you.
I bought some glitter packets at Dollar Tree that were 5 packets for $1, stapled them on, and placed them on the student's desks.

I also have this sign and mints sitting out for the parents.

You can get these two downloads for FREE over at my blog.  While you're there, you may want to download this "Thanks for Popping In" freebie as well.

Head on over to my blog and download away!

Beach Theme Sentences

I know school is just around the corner, but I CAN'T let go of my summer vibe!  I made a little Beach Simple Sentence Freebie for you to use when practicing writing sentences.  My students LOVE this because there are so many activities for them to do on one page...

For each page the students:
Read it.
Trace it.
Write it.
Cut and paste it.

These are fun and engaging, and once the students are trained on how this sheet works, they can start building sentences all on their own!

Michelle from Apples and ABC's.

Apples & ABC's

Classroom Rules Book

Hey everyone!  It's Kristin!

I am heading back to school in just one day.  ONE DAY.  Except, truthfully, I've been at school on my own time off and on all summer, and I'm talking about the fact that I am required to be there in just one day.  The kids come this Monday and I can't even believe it.  But I know in just a matter of time, I'm going to say something like I can't believe it's Halloween or I can't believe it's Christmas, or How is it Valentine's Day already?  Time just flies when you're having a great time living life.

SO!  In preparation for my new class of kiddos, I've created a little Rules book that we are going to be filling out together for the first couple of days.  We will review it all week and maybe even for two weeks!

I have a couple of versions for you and it's FREE over on my blog.  I hope you can use it!


Thank you everyone who entered our TpT gift card giveaway! Here are the winners! {and because we love you all so much, we actually decided to choose 3 winners!!!}

Enjoy your check out today, on us! :)

Everyone else, you can still save BIG today and tomorrow at the TpT sale!

Visit our stores by clicking on each picture below!

Your Chance to Win up to $50 in TpT Bucks!

You may have heard, Teachers Pay Teachers amazing Back to School sale starts tomorrow!

So your favorite friends at Freebielicious have teamed up to offer two lucky winners $25 to spend on TpT!!!! Have you met all the amazing Freebielicious authors? Check them out below and make sure you are following them for your chance to WIN!

Click on each button to like our Facebook pages! Map

a Rafflecopter giveaway